Monday, September 20, 2010

Peach salsa for grilled fish

I'm not sure I'll ever look for another fish topping. This delicious peach salsa is also to-die-for on poultry and I usually make enough to top off chicken the following night.

Here's the bill of groceries you'll need:

{Raise your hand if the phrase "bill of groceries" is familiar!

If your hand is still down, well then, it's obvious you've never lived in the country.

Today, I ask, "I'm going to run by the grocery store. Does anyone need anything?"

But as a little girl, growing up in Carbon Hill, I'd run next door to the tiny white-frame house that once belonged to my parents.

"Francis (yes, Williams), Mama's gonna do a bill of groceries today. Do you need anything?"}

But, back to our recipe. Measurements aren't used in this recipe, so you can easily determine the flavor by the quantity of each ingredient.

Dice and toss into a medium-size bowl: a peeled peach, cucumber, red bell pepper, and purple onion.

Add chopped cilantro, a squeeze of lime juice, olive oil, and salt.

Stir and refrigerate for at least an hour.

Viola! That all there is to it.



P.S. Let me know if you've ever said "bill of groceries."


  1. Actually I never said a bill of groceries. However, when momma was going to Tillman's Grocery I always said "Will you get me a pack of baseball cards?" and she normally did.

  2. kittiemesser@yahoo.comSeptember 20, 2010 at 2:42 PM

    Looks and sounds good. It might even bring me out of my cooking slump. I hadn't thought of 'bill of groceries' in years! love ya
